MEASURING a YEAR by the MINUTE (installation / performance)
Sunday May 13 (Mothers Day)
12:00 to 5:00 (ARTIST TALK - 2:00)
DaDe Art & Design Lab,1327 9 AVE SE Calgary
Margie DavidsonThis year long process started with continuing my interest in colour study of seasonal change, a desire for a daily meditative art practice, and a curiosity about the visual representation of a year. What would a year measured by one knitted stitch for every minute actually look like?
My goal was to knit 60 stitches in a row and complete 24 rows a day to represent that day as measured by the minute. I recorded each days knitting progress with a date tag. As the project grew, I dealt with tangled yarn and competing priorities. It was a challenge to find 3 hours each day to complete 24 rows of knitting.
It has been an insightful process. I have learned about myself as I came to terms with the evolution of the artwork and the divergence of two types of measurement. I learned about making space physically for the artwork as it grew and about the rigor of a daily commitment of time. I learned about the value of holding the intention of a daily meditative practice.(installation / performance) -Margie Davidson
Photo taken by Seann Childs of LightArt Photography