Installation of Portage College Native Arts & Culture Program: Legacy of Graduates at the Alberta Craft Discovery Gallery

Installation of Portage College Native Arts & Culture Program: Legacy of Graduates at the Alberta Craft Discovery Gallery

Installation of Portage College Native Arts & Culture Program: Legacy of Graduates at the Alberta Craft Discovery Gallery

Installation of Portage College Native Arts & Culture Program: Legacy of Graduates at the Alberta Craft Discovery Gallery

Amber Weasel Head
ookataki - do beadwork; bead (2016)
Size 11/0 seed beads, commercial elk hide, floral print cotton

Amber Weasel Head
Grandmother (2018)
Raffia, corn husk, Melton red cloth, commercial hide, seed beads 11/0

Amber Weasel Head
Wrapped in Love (2016)
Print fabric, solid fabric

Amber Weasel Head
Iipisówaahs - Morning Star (2018)
Smoked hide, Melton cloth, seed beads (11/10), bugle beads, print fabric, bias tape (size 9.5 Women)

Amber Weasel Head
mi’kotsíípiiyis: Red Willow Basket (2018)
Red willow

Amber Weasel Head
akkáyssksisi: Shooting Star (2018)
Seed beads 11/0, Melton cloth, print fabric

Celina Merasty
Earth and Fire Keeper – Strike a Light Bag (2019)
Seed beads size 10-11, Duffle 3 ½” x 4”, leather 9 /4” x 3 ¼”, leather lacing ¼” x 7”, leather lacing 24” x ¼”, pony beads, long tin cones approx. 13 materials for lining 3 ½” x 4”

Celina Merasty
Handle with Care (2020)
Melton wool, embroidery thread, stitch and tear, hide, rabbit fur, bees wax, button/canvas thread, material for lining

Celina Merasty
Stolen Sisters (2020)
Duff wool or Melton wool, Embroidery thread, batting

Celina Merasty
Mother Earth’s Guidance (2022)
plain and printed material, ribbons, elastic, decorative embellishments

Celina Merasty
The Walk Home (2020)
Vamp-beads size 10-11, monarch wool, canvas, bees wax, leather for welt, upholstery thread waxed, sheep skin shearling

Celina Merasty
Together Forever and Ever (2020)
Velvet, canvas, dyed caribou hair, dyed horsehair, dyed moose hair, bees wax, button thread

Celina Merasty
Together the Arrow Directs our Path (2020)
Seed beads, leather strips, leather pieces, crow bead, bead loom, beading thread, bees wax, beading needle

Celina Merasty
Walking in Unison (2020)
Blue and red Melton Wool, canvas, monarch twill lining, naturally tanned moose hide, seed beads, caribou hair, embroidery thread, colored yarn, Beaver fur, bees wax, button thread

Coral Madge
Dene Sled Dog Blanket (2021)
Velveteen, glass beads, yarn, canvas, Rock rack, smoked moose hide, and vintage bells

Coral Madge
Fish scale artwork (2021)
Commercial elk hide, metal hoop, dentelium, dyed white fish scales, and dyed porcupine quills

Coral Madge
Octopus dice bag (2022)
Smoked elk hide, vintage Venetian beads, yarn, velvet, embroidery floss

Coral Madge
Self Portrait Medallion (2022)
Smoked elk hide, vintage beads, bison horn pipe beads, 24K gold beads

Coral Madge
Vulva Earrings (2022)
Smoked elk hide, vintage Venetian beads, 24K gold beads

Coral Madge
Quilled Birch Bark Basket (2022)
Birch bark, smoked elk hide, spruce root, and dyed porcupine quills

Jamie John Kehewin
astisa (2021)
Melton cloth, commercial hide, rabbit fur, embroidery floss, button canvas thread

Jamie John Kehewin
Birch Bark Basket (2010)
Birch bark, dyed porcupine quills, red willow, spruce roots, artificial sinew

Jamie John Kehewin
Broke-in maskisina (2015)
Traditional Moose hide, commercial moose hide, Melton, printed cloth, bugle beads, rhinestones, cones, horsehair

Jamie John Kehewin
mîkowahp (2016)
Scrap steel, welding rods

Jamie John Kehewin
paskwawmostos sîsikwan (2005)
Yellow cedar wood

Jamie John Kehewin
Side-seam maskisina (2016)
Commercial tanned moose hide, beads, cones, horsehair

Jamie John Kehewin
wâspison (2016)
Velveteen, printed cloth, lace, Melton cloth

Lana Gal
A Woman’s Strength (2023)
Soap stone, gold leaf paint

Lana Gal
Medicine (Smudge) Pot/ Container (2023)
Clay, glaze

Lana Gal
The Robin – Bringer of Spring (2023)
Dyed caribou, natural and dyed moose hair, velvet, glass bead

Lana Gal
Metis Gauntlet Mitts (2022)
Melton, commercial hide, glass beads, embroidery thread

Promise Beauregard
What Made the Red Man Red?
Moose hide, melton, Beaver fur, Charlotte cuts sz 0/11, Charlotte cuts sz 0/13, Charlotte cuts sz 0/15, sz 0/15 seed beads, sz 0/13 24kt Charlotte cuts

Tanya Mustus
Beaded Clutch (2021)
Seed beeds, commercially tanned black leather

Tess Sasakamoose
Birch Bark Basket (2018)
Birch bark, ribbon, sinew, stud claws

Tess Sasakamoose
Blue Gauntlet Mitts (2016)
Duffle wool, embroidery thread, rabbit fur, commercial hide, ribbon

Tess Sasakamoose
Green Gauntlet Mitts (2018)
Duffle wool, embroidery thread, rabbit fur, commercial hide